As the mid-20th century faded into memory, and Americans became much more status-conscious than ever, the concept of living in a lowly mobile had become less desirable. 

In the New Millennium, keeping up with the Joneses required living well beyond one's means. This was done in a sprawling "McMansion," often with two or three times the floor space actually needed by a family.

A typical "McMansion" includes ornate -often gaudy- embellishments. It is cheaply constructed and places sheer size over quality. 
Photo from Wikipedia / John  Delano

By 1970, the terms "Trailerite" and "Tin Can Tourist" had become archaic. Likewise, the perception of trailer life, which had taken a beating during The Great Depression and made something of a positive resurgence between 1946 and 1966, was -once again- seen in a negative light.

Within a few years, mobile home living would be dubiously depicted in country & western songs or on over-the-top TV shows, such as Canada's "Trailer Park Boys." The term "Trailer Trash" had become part of the American vernacular.

The term "Trailer Trash" dates back to the early 1950s. It was rarely used during the 1950s, '60s and '70s. However, this derogatory designation had become a common American catch phrase by the 1990s.

Through all the pitfalls, the essence of the mid-century Trailerite culture lived on. The "tiny house" movement began to gain impetus in the late 1990s. This promoted a 400-square-foot abode as a trendy and environmentally-friendly alternative to the financed-up-to-the ears, McMansion lifestyle. 

The tiny house takes minimalism to the max. Born out of economy and practicality, a typical tiny abode encompasses around 400 square feet and costs around 79,000 (2023) dollars. This price includes such options as a solar panel, instant propane water heater and hardwood flooring. 
Photo from Wikipedia / "Tammy"  

Another economical, New Millennium mode of living involves a large "Fifth Wheel" camper-type trailer, which becomes a year-round abode.

Such an RV would contain more than 400 square feet. It could include a large living room and combination washer-dryer. If bought used, a 4-year-old rig would sell for around 40,000 (2023) dollars. A brand new rig would set one back approximately 70,000 (2023) dollars.

The more spacious "manufactured home" of the 21st century provides 1,000 square feet of living area. Built by Champion Home Builders, of Topeka, Indiana, this 16' by 66' single-wide unit sells for around 120,000 (2023) dollars. It includes features now standard in the industry; horizontal vinyl exterior siding, triple-pane (house-type) windows and a peaked -and shingled- roof.   

"Mobile Home, The Trailer As America" / Parsons-Cooper-Hewitt HDDA theses / Lindsey Elaine Tyler / 2010 / Atlas Mobile Home Museum
"Marshfield Notes Reporter" / June 1955 / Volume One Number Three / "Mobile Homes"
The St. Petersburg Evening Independent
The Milwaukee Sentinel
The Oxnard Press-Courier
The Beaver Times
The Palm Beach Post
The Cayuga Chief (Tiki Lisa's Photostream) (SaltyCotton's Photostream) (Internet Archive)


The graphics and photographs from The Milwaukee Sentinel, Beaver County Times, St. Petersburg Evening Independent, Oxnard Post-Courier, MetroGoldwynMayer Studios and Mobile Home Manufacturer's Association illustrate key moments in mobile home history that are described in written copy. The images are not replaceable with free-use or public-domain images. The use of the images does not limit the copyright owners' rights to distribute them in any way. The images are being used for non-profit, informational purposes only and their use is not believed to detract from them in any way.

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